YMK Nagaoka Co., Ltd.

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Company name YMK Nagaoka Co., Ltd.
Representative Hiroyuki Nishiwaki
Contact person Yuji Nishiwaki
Business contents Manufacture, sales and maintenance of rattan furniture
Location 738-1 Takamimachi, Nagaoka-shi, Niigata-ken 940-0004
TEL・FAX TEL +81-258-89-7466 FAX +81-258-25-2456
E-Mail nagaoka@ymk-pro.co.jp
Methods of accepting orders Order request form/e-mail/fax
Payment method Bank transfer/Credit card (VISA, Mastercard, one installment only) *Credit card in preparation
After confirming your order, we will send a payment request e-mail to your specified e-mail address. Please access the URL found within the e-mail and make payment by credit card.
Handling Charges Postage
Delivery method and sundry expenses such as postage, etc., may vary depending on the product and conditions such as the delivery region, etc. After we have received the details of your order, we will contact you together with detailing your purchase cost.
Please refer to the following URLs.
Yamato Transport international parcel delivery service shipping charges list (within Yamato international service size limit of 160cm)
Express Mail Service (EMS) shipping charges list (within EMS maximum size of 170cm)
FedEX shipping charges
DHL shipping charges
*Please note that other shipping methods may be used depending on the product in question.

Customs, etc.
In case of customs clearance charges/customs or other import duties, etc., these will vary depending on the country/region, but all such expenses are to be borne by the customer. Please pay the delivery company directly upon receipt of goods.
Sales volume Guidance by e-mail according to inquiry
Application deadline 1 week after your order (orders will be cancelled if payment cannot be confirmed)
Payment timeframe Orders will be cancelled when more than one week has passed without confirmation of payment.
Returns and exchanges As a general rule, we do not accept returns based on customers’ circumstances, but in the highly unlikely event that a defective product has been shipped, please contact us within 7 days after arrival of the product, after which we will have the goods returned by means of delivery with postage paid upon receipt, and will then exchange it with a good product or make repayment.
Other Credit card payment cannot be used for businesses/wholesale.
Credit card payment cannot be used at the link destination.
Credit card payment cannot be used for estimation-requiring products/made-to-order/repairs/travel expenses, as these are services.